I know you are all waiting for some Disney pictures, but you will have a to wait just a little longer. I don't have all of them yet, but I'll have them this weekend:) In the mean time I wanted to catch up on a few things I missed.
Stephen's Birthday: I just wanted to post a few a my favorite pictures of his celebration. We had my whole family over that Sunday for a party and then I took him out Tuesday for his birthday.
Kaleb's basketball:
Kaleb had a great basketball season! He did so well, he didn't make a basket this year, but he tried so hard, and almost every game he got like 6 rebounds and 3 assists. Of course he had a fabulous coach (Stephen), who works so well with the kids. I really love watching the kids play, Hailey's season finishes up this month, and it is just so fun!
Here is a video of Kaleb almost scoring:
I love this last picture! This is how Karly and Blake help me with the laundry:)

OK- stay tuned for the Disney post:) It was a wonderful trip!!