I seriously have the best dad! I love him so much. I am such a daddy's girl and I wouldn't have it any other way. My dad has always worked hard for our family and always made time to be with us. He was always willing to help out with my sports team and still supports me today. I love watching him play with my kids and teach them new things. He is a wonderful example to me and I am extremely proud to be his daughter. I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!! Butterfly Kisses:)

Stephen is such an amazing father!! The kids adore him and love to play with him. He always comes up with neat games to play with them and never minds being the "bad guy" to battle against. I love watching the kids run up to him and give him hugs when he walks in the door from work. He works extremely hard so that our kids can have all that they need and I am so thankful for that. Stephen, thank you so much for all that you do for our family, we are so blessed to have you:) I LOVE YOU!!