Kaleb- He is going to be 4 on Tuesday (more with that in another post)!! Kaleb is such a good brother and really loves Blake. He will get his action figures and tell Blake all about them, it is so sweet. He enjoyed his first year of preschool and is looking forward to going back. Kaleb has also started writing his name!! We are very proud of him. He is such a tough kid and loves being outside running around going crazy. He does great on his bike, scooter, and skateboard, it amazes us. These are just a couple pics of my growing boy.
Karly- My peanut is getting bigger everyday! She is doing well in her speech class, and looks forward to going each week. She is talking so much better. She is doing great with the Blake, and is always ready with the pacifier when he needs it:) She really is such a funny kid, and makes us laugh all the time.
Blake- He is such a good baby! He sleeps well and eats great. He has great head control and will turn when he hears someone talking to him. I know I am his mom, but he really is such a handsome boy! I love him like crazy!

Stephen and Katie- We are doing good, just keeping busy with the kids. We are getting the house ready and it will go on the market Monday. We hope it sells quickly, so please keep us in your prayers. We are still planning on moving in August. Sorry, the kids are way cuter than we are so I don't have any pictures of us:)
You have the perfect little family. We will miss you!
I truly hope your house sells better then ours! I will pray for both of us.
we will be praying for a quick sale on the house!
hailey is so gorgeous- it's no wonder all the boys like her!! :)
kaleb and karly are just so cute and i'm excited to hear that they are doing so well.
blake is adorable, what else can i say? he fits just perfectly.
love you guys and hope you are doing great. we WILL see you someday in the near future.
I loved reading your little update Katie! What an amazing family you have! We'll be thinking of you as far as the house and everything goes... = )
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