Wow!! I have the most amazing wife in the world!! Katie, you are the best and I am so grateful that you are my wife. You do so much for me and help me be such a better man. You are a wonderful mom to our children, who love and respect you! You give so freely of yourself and do so much for your family without any thought of return. At times you may feel that you are taken for granted but I cannot thank you enough for all that you do and the wonderful person you are.
I do not know nor will ever understand how you can take care of 4 kids, keep the house spotless, cook such wonderful meals, make lunches, change diapers, feed babies, do loads of laundry, take time to call me during the day just to hear my voice, go shopping, put away groceries, help with homework, prepare lessons, coach basketball, and then give me the sweetest kiss with the biggest smile on your face when I get home! I am so proud of you and so blessed to have you in my life. I would never want it any other way. I love you so much and love being with you. You have truly made my life worthwhile. Thank you so much!!!
love forever and always your husband,
P.S. I love to watch you play basketball!! You are awesome!