We had an absolutely WONDERFUL Christmas!!
We were able to move into the new house on the 18th and we got busy unpacking and setting up for Christmas. That Monday for family home evening we went and got out tree. I think there was like 6 left on the lot, but we got a good one we loved.
On Christmas eve my family bakes a bunch of goodies to deliver to our friends. We all met at my parents house to make the goody plates and then delivered them to our neighbors. When we got back we had our first ever kids Nativity play. Th kids did such a good job and I look forward to continuing that tradition.

Hailey was Mary, Kaleb was Joesph, Jackson and Karly were shepherds, Sean was an angel and a wise man, and Blake and Conner were the other wise men.
We said bye to the family and went and delivered our goodies to friends. We then headed home and opened one present. Guess what it was...PAJAMAS!

Christmas morning was so fun! I love seeing the kids enjoy their Santa gifts and watching them open presents.

After presents we headed over to my parents for some YUMMY breakfast and more presents. I think the highlight for me was watching all the kids open presents. We had them all sitting on the ground with their pile and Amber and I would read who it was from and then say " 1, 2, 3.. GO!" The kids would rip open the paper and grin loving what they got. It was so FUN!
The whole day was PERFECT!! I loved being with my family!
To make the whole Christmas experience even better, we woke up the next morning to SNOW!!!!

The kids and Stephen played outside for hours!
I am so grateful for my family, it is always such a blessing to spend time with them. I do miss the rest of family that is out west, my kids love seeing pictures of everyone. We hope to get out there soon.
Oh, don't worry I will post pics of the house soon!