We had a yummy dinner
Opened some presents
Played a fun game (Karly put in the correct spot TWICE)!
Had a delicious "Curious George" cake (made by me:)
all to celebrate this little cutie!
Stephen, Katie, Hailey, Kaleb, Karly, and Blake
We had a yummy dinner
Opened some presents
Played a fun game (Karly put in the correct spot TWICE)!
Had a delicious "Curious George" cake (made by me:)
all to celebrate this little cutie!
When I came in and told her she better clean this up
she did this.......
She fell sound asleep, that little stinker!
Kaleb was with his friend Nathan in the woods. They were playing pretend battle. They have such a good imagination.
We also went to the science museum with Kaleb's preschool class. The museum is great, the kids love it and best of all it is FREE!! They have asked to go back several times
On Wednesday we celebrated my brother Brent's birthday!! He turned the big 3-0!!!
Brent is....
a great brother
a wonderful uncle
and just an all around fantastic guy!!!
PS: I just had to throw this picture in:)
oh, how I love my family!
Stephen and I started these charts for the kids to help them be more responsible. Each week we see how they did and if they fill in there chart the earn a dollar. We would also find ways during the week they could earn extra (doing more chores, babysitting, etc.) Then for Family Home Evening we went to Target and they chose a toy that they wanted, but they needed to save their dollars to get the toy. Well, last FHE they had earned enough and we went to get their toys. They were so happy to pay the cashier and get the toy. I need to add that these toys were not a dollar or two(Karly's was $3), they were over ten dollars, and that just made Stephen and I more proud of them. They were also proud of themselves. The kids didn't spend all they earned, they wanted to save some of the money, which also made us proud. We are just so happy with them!
Last weekend was our Stake basketball tournament and it was a crazy weekend. I am the female assistant athletic director for the stake and Stephen refs, so we were there the whole time. We love it, but it is tiring. This year I helped run things, played with the women's team, and coached. Stephen also coached the YM team. Unfortunately, the YM lost, but played a good game and my women's team lost, but the YW team that my mom and I coach WON!!! We have such a great group of girls, so it made it even sweeter to win. The final score was 27-14!! We rocked that game. We can't wait till next season.
Yesterday Stephen received a letter from the City of Raleigh Parks and Rec. Here is what the opening said...
Raleigh Parks and Rec Department has over 6,000 volunteers who assist with programs, events, and parks each year. In recognition of your outstanding volunteer service to the City of Raleigh and our Parks and Recreation Department, you have been nominated as a "2010 Fred Fletcher Outstanding Volunteer".
Stephen was one of 40 volunteers to be nominated!!! 6,ooo volunteers and only 40 nominated! WAY TO GO STEPHEN!!!! I am so proud of him. Stephen has done a lot of refereeing and umpiring for the city, but he gets paid for that. This was for his coaching:) It just made him feel so good. He is going to be recognized at a ceremony in May. Stephen is so wonderful and I am proud to be his wife!