Blake was born on Wednesday May 20th @ 6:36pm. I had a doctors appointment that morning and wasn't expecting much, so I was happy when she told me I was 4cm. dilated. I went home and got lunch for Karly and Kaleb, and was finishing some housework. The kids finished lunch and started to play. Kaleb, who sometimes doesn't like to stop playing and go potty, didn't quite make to the potty in time. So, I started to clean the bathroom floor and sent him up to take a quick bath. I finished the cleaning, took Karly upstairs to nap, and helped Kaleb get out of the bath. It was about 1pm by this time and I started having contractions. I didn't think much of it, but they were a pain and happening every 5min. I waited till 2pm and called Stephen, and told him to come home. I then called my mom and dad. Stephen, got there and told me to call the doctor. I did and they told me to come to the office. We waited just a moment for my dad to get there and to get things settled with the kids. We left for the doctor @ 3:15pm. I got to the doctor, they checked my and told me I was already 8cm and to head over to the hospital. I called my mom and told her to meet us at the hospital. We got there @ 4pm, checked in and got settled. The doctor came in and broke my water and told me I was only about 7cm. After they broke my water the contractions came on stronger. The doctors were actually changing shifts @ 5pm, so Dr. Henderson came in. He checked and said well, your only about 6cm!!! I said ok, if I am going backwards here give me the epidural:) He gave me the epidural, which only took on one side, so my right side felt fine, but the left was in pain. He redid the epidural and it took, but by that time I was 10cm and ready to push. I pushed for about 15min, and he slid right out:) So, 5 1/2hrs. of labor wasn't too bad.

Blake came into the world weighing 8lbs. 6oz. and was 21in. long.
That was almost for the world what my labor was like with Tripp. It went fast, and the epi only took on one stupid sucked and then by the time I was a 10 I was like oh well let's just deal with it. I'm SO glad it's over and you have you're sweet baby though!!! Congrats again.
so not only do you get to be ridiculously adorable during pregnancy but you have a 5 hr. labor? you twit!! j/k you know that i love you and i'm glad that it went well. can't wait to meet mr. blake!!
Oh my goodness, looks like the Raleigh ward is growing quickly! How awesome! Yeah, John and I are so excited for you and your family!!
Love you guys!
~~The Chapmans
congrats you guys! he's a cute T!
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