Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Marbles and Holiday Treats

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tis the Season!
Now, I can't wait till Santa comes:)

Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
Soccer Star

Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Good Times
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
Smart Girl
"Well, I like Nate he is cute, but he sometimes doesn't listen to Mrs. Nance (the teacher), so if I married him he might not listen to me." Ahh, what a smart girl:)
Stephen and I just laughed and then reminded her that she just needs to be friends with the boys right now and not worry about getting married till she is older.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Blue Card
-Each day the students will start on their green card, because each day is a brand new chance to make good choices. The blue card will be awarded sparingly, on a day that a student is ‘going above and beyond’ to make great choices in our classroom. Those choices not only benefit themselves but others too.
She always has a green card, which I am so proud, but Friday she did it, she earned a blue card!!! She was proud of herself and that makes me even more happy! love ya Hales!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Finally! I am blogging again. Our computer got a virus right before we moved and we just now got everything back and running, YEA! So, now I get to sit down and catch up with all that has been happening in the Beckstrand household:) Hmmm, let's start with the youngest...
Blake: He will be 4mo. on the 20th and this kid is growing fast. He is rolling all over the place and has been for about 3wks. He loves to get into the walker and push himself around (yes, he really can get around) I am going to take video of this soon and post it. He is such a talker and drooler! He rarely spits up, but boy can he drool. I love going to get him from naps b/c he will just look at you and smile. He really likes his brother and sisters and laughs when they play with him. He is a great sleeper, I lay him down at nap time or bed time, and he talks for a few minutes, rolls over and goes to sleep. We are going to start rice cereal this week, so more to come with that endeavor. Blake is so fun, I love this kid!
Karly: She is a little pistol! This girl can drive me crazy one minute and then melt my heart the next. About 2 wks ago I had had enough of double diaper duty, so I told Karly she was not going to wear diapers anymore and put her in panties. It took 3 days and a lot of candy, but she doesn't wear diapers anymore, and I couldn't be happier! I was so proud of her and she was proud of herself. Karly is so funny, really she is! If you tell her she is pretty, she says "No, I handsome", it just cracks me up. She has been taking speech classes for about 3mo, and she is talking so much better, and she talks a lot more. She really wants to be in school like Hailey and Kaleb, but we are enjoying the time together. She is still my little peanut and she is wonderful.
Kaleb: My 4yr old boy started preschool last week and loves it!! He is happy to be in the older class and playing on the big playground. After his first day he was so happy, he got in the car and told me,"mommy, it was fun. I made a new friend!" Except when I asked what his friends name was he said, "I don't know", ah little boys:) Kaleb has also started soccer and is really getting into that. He had a game yesterday and scored a goal!!! Stephen is coaching his team, and that was a little hard at first, but now he is doing really well. Kaleb is really into every super hero and pretends to be a different one everyday. He has such a good imagination. Kaleb is such a boy and I love that....most of the time;)
Hailey: Oh, my sweet Hailey, she is growing up to fast! She stared 1st grade this year and is doing awesome. Since we moved, she is going to a new school, but she already made a lot of new friends and just enjoys going. We decided not to have her in soccer this year, but she will start gymnastics soon and is really excited. Hailey is really helpful, if I need to her to feed Blake a bottle so I can cook dinner, she is right there with a smile. She helps Karly at night and in the morning get ready. She can be very sassy at times, but she will just go and chill out by her self and then she is good to go. Last Sunday she had a really bad scooter accident. She and Stephen were riding her scooter and going really fast. Stephen was trying to stop when the were going down the curb and lost control. The scooter went out from under them and Hailey hit face first on the street. I ran up to her and all I saw was blood. She has bleeding from somewhere on her face, but I couldn't see b/c it was just all red. I have never been so scared in my life. We got her over to the ER and saw that it was her chin and it had split all the way to the bone. She received 8 stitches and has a cast on her wrist (they thought it was a small hairline fracture, but ended up being just a bad sprain). Hailey was a trooper the whole time and is back to her normal self. I don't ever want to go through anything like that again!!! Hailey is such an awesome girl and I love her.
Katie and Stephen: We are doing really great! Stephen is working hard with his job cleaning carpets and I am working hard being a mom. Stephen is still umpiring and refereeing, and he also coaches Kaleb's team. His church bball season is starting soon and I am looking forward to watching him play. I am just doing the whole mom thing, and my basketball season starts tomorrow and I can't wait!!! I still play every week at church and go walking when I can. Living with my parents has been good. I enjoy going grocery shopping with my mom and cooking dinners each night for the family. I know I have said this before, but I am so grateful for all that my parents have done for us, it is such a blessing to be living here.
Well, this last little bit is about our beach trip we took back in August. We went down to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend and loved it. I was so surprised at how Hailey and Kaleb just jumped right into the ocean and stared riding in waves. It was great! Karly played in the water, just not as far out as the other two. And, Blake just slept:) I love the beach!!!
Enjoy the slideshow!
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Oh, I also need to thank the R4 priesthood, they were AMAZING at getting everything out of our old house and into our new one. Seriously it only took about an hour and a half!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Girl Party!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Beach, Pool, and Blake!

The kids and I spend a lot of time at the pool and it is great. Hailey swims great, Kaleb is swimming better w/out his floaties, Karly is fearless and tries to swim w/out her floaties too(gives me a scare), and Blake just sits chill in his float. We love the pool!
Lastly, here is a cute video of Blake. He is such a talker. Sorry, the video is a little dark.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 4th and 5th
July 5th was also a fantastic day, it was Hailey's 6th birthday!! I can't believe that she is 6yrs. old. She is such an amazing girl and I am so glad to be her mommy. Since her birthday was Sunday we just had her family party and she will be having her friend party in a couple of weeks. It was pretty neat to have it on Sunday, b/c she gave a talk in Primary and then they sang to her. She loved it. After church we always go over to my parents house and when we got there my wonderful mother went above and beyond decorating for her party. Hailey loved it and was so happy. She wanted mac and cheese for dinner and then pound cake with strawberries for her cake. She enjoyed all her presents, especially her new bike. She had been riding on her little 12in and now has a 20in. She loves it and does so well riding it. Hailey is such an awesome girl, she is very sweet and is always helpful around the house. I love her so much!!!!
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Summer Fun
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Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Fathers Day!

I seriously have the best dad! I love him so much. I am such a daddy's girl and I wouldn't have it any other way. My dad has always worked hard for our family and always made time to be with us. He was always willing to help out with my sports team and still supports me today. I love watching him play with my kids and teach them new things. He is a wonderful example to me and I am extremely proud to be his daughter. I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!! Butterfly Kisses:)

Stephen is such an amazing father!! The kids adore him and love to play with him. He always comes up with neat games to play with them and never minds being the "bad guy" to battle against. I love watching the kids run up to him and give him hugs when he walks in the door from work. He works extremely hard so that our kids can have all that they need and I am so thankful for that. Stephen, thank you so much for all that you do for our family, we are so blessed to have you:) I LOVE YOU!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
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Sunday, June 7, 2009
Quick Update

Kaleb- He is going to be 4 on Tuesday (more with that in another post)!! Kaleb is such a good brother and really loves Blake. He will get his action figures and tell Blake all about them, it is so sweet. He enjoyed his first year of preschool and is looking forward to going back. Kaleb has also started writing his name!! We are very proud of him. He is such a tough kid and loves being outside running around going crazy. He does great on his bike, scooter, and skateboard, it amazes us. These are just a couple pics of my growing boy.
Karly- My peanut is getting bigger everyday! She is doing well in her speech class, and looks forward to going each week. She is talking so much better. She is doing great with the Blake, and is always ready with the pacifier when he needs it:) She really is such a funny kid, and makes us laugh all the time.
Blake- He is such a good baby! He sleeps well and eats great. He has great head control and will turn when he hears someone talking to him. I know I am his mom, but he really is such a handsome boy! I love him like crazy!

Stephen and Katie- We are doing good, just keeping busy with the kids. We are getting the house ready and it will go on the market Monday. We hope it sells quickly, so please keep us in your prayers. We are still planning on moving in August. Sorry, the kids are way cuter than we are so I don't have any pictures of us:)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Blake's first photo shoot!
Also, everything is going great with the Blake, he is such a good baby, and sleeps and eats great.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Labor and Delivery

Friday, May 22, 2009
Welcome Baby Blake!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Best Friends EVER!!

Thank you girls, I love ya!!